Friday, May 30, 2008

Factoid FRIDAY!

Yes blogging amigos, this is what you've all been waiting for I'm sure. Amazing and weird (useless really) facts, figures and just dumb things you might not even want to know about. Are they true? Heck I don't know, but they're funny. It's Factoid Friday every Friday on Sold Out. So sit back, get comfortable and learn. People might even think you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

1. "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right.

2. The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes).

3. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

4. February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

5. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

6. There's no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Chewables Vitamins.

7. It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs.

8. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."

9. 75 people die each year playing Twister.

10. Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Prayer Warrior?

I love to read, and last night I finished a book, and today I started reading another one. Fresh Wind Fresh Fire by Jim Cymballa. I was turned on to it by Kara Kirkpatrick, our beloved Sunday night pastor's wife. I sat down and read the first 70 pages today and was blown away. He talked about prayer. What an absolutely powerful tool we have been given by God. Some of the stories are amazing to say the least. It just goes to show what sincere, heart felt, down on your knees, begging and weeping and crying out for God's help type of prayer can accomplish. It made me realize that prayer is my weakest link in my spiritual chain. By far. I'd like to consider myself a prayer warrior, but after reading what "sold out" prayer can do, I realize I'm not even close. I'm just a PWIT! A prayer warrior in training. I'm so glad God is patient. I am excited to ratchet up my prayer life and watch the Holy Spirit show me some amazing things! There are so many uncertanties in my life right now that I can't wait to see what fruit bears from some serious "on my knees"prayer in the coming months. I realized today how much I try to control things on my own, and only get into "serious" prayer when I need to. And usually that "serious" prayer is only for me. Lord show me your awesome and mighty power. He says when you seek me you will find me, and when you pray to me I will listen. Man, have I ever limited God's unlimited potential by not praying. D'oh!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Living In Borderland

Years ago I read an incredible book by Mark Buchanan called Your God Is Too Safe. The premise of the book is about living in a land called Borderland. It's right "on" the border, not in, yet not out. Non committal if you will. Safe and comfortable. A place where many of us reside daily. Do you only call on God when things are desperate, or you just need a favor. Stay out of my life Jesus, things are going just great right now. Don't make me go on that mission trip, or give up my 6 figure income, or new car or house. But hey, thanks for getting me that raise. My Jesus is safe at a distance, but if I bring Him too close, He might make me do something "umcomfortable." Is that you? Then you live there too. I can't imagine my kids only calling out to me in times of want or need, never stopping to say thank you, or I love you, or I'm sorry. But that is what we do. We get complacent when things are status quo, and forget about God. Before you realize it, you haven't read your bible in a week, maybe two or three. You haven't prayed either. You really haven't "needed" God. So we put him on a shelf like a bottle of aspirin and only bring him down when we have some tough times to get through, or we have a favor that maybe, just maybe if I pray "now" he just might answer me. I know he's still there...somewhere. That's really about how most of us live our lives if we want to admit it. I know I'm as guilty as anyone. I have my highs and lows, and still struggle to find that even flow. The world is full of distractions, suttle, and in your face. Sex is everywhere, anything is acceptable anymore (except the name of Jesus) and we live in a society where you can have whatever you want whenever you want. My prayer today is that we (I) will seek out Jesus and thank Him for the unseen things He does for us everyday. That we take Him off the shelf and put Him on our dashboards and present Him to the entire world as the living testament of our faith! He deserves so much better than what we give Him. I'm sorry Jesus for putting you on my shelf. Today you're riding shotgun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Usually on Tuesday nights my beautiful wife and I host a small group that spawned from Journey (our Sunday night service) But last night the bulk of our small group was in a softball game. So small group went mobile. There were some great hits and plays in the field. Probably no calls this morning from the majors, but they played an awesome game. Brought back many memories. Here are some pictures from last nights game. When I told them I brought bibles for after the game, I got that "yeah right" and deer in the headlight look. I didn't bring any, we just enjoyed the game. By the way, they kicked some tail. 20 something to 2. Way to go YACS!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Jesus Was In The House

I know I just posted about how Journey (at New Hope Church) rocks, but last night takes the cake. It was unbelieveably intense. The worship was spirit led, the message was flat out awesome, and we wrote over 200 names on the prayer "board" last night. It was a total high for me, like I just downed a 32 oz red bull! It really was an electric atmosphere. Journey is such a blessing, and it was just so cool to see the Lord continue to work. Jesus, I pray that you will plant a fire in the hearts of Journey-nation and explode it for your glory!

So be it.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Peter Gets It!

Simon Peter, one of Christs original 12 is one inspirational dude! He totally belongs in Jesus's inner circle. I was reading in Acts this morning, and side tracked to Luke and here is what I found. Luke 5: 1-11 to be specific. It's the story of when Jesus preaches to the crowd on the shore, while standing in Peter's boat. Peter is cool. He fishes. Nuff said. So Jesus, when he is done preaching, decides he'd like to do a little fishing, so directs Peter to head out to deeper water. Peter says they have fished all night with no success, but acknowledges and acts upon Jesus's request. Well, they catch fish, so many that their boat starts to sink. It's here that Peter should have asked Jesus if they wanted to partner and start a guide service! Could be a lucrative little business here! Seriously though, this is where Peter actually falls to his knees and realizes who he is the presence of. Falling to his knees he says "depart me from me, for I am a sinful man O'Lord" He gets it! We are totally unworthy here. Here he realizes he is in the presence of God, and gets it! He is blown away! Then...the real kicker is in verse 11 where it says "so when they had brought their boats to land (get this) they forsook all (not some but all) and followed Him. Holy Schnikeys!! Do you see what just happened here? Complete acknowledgement, and sold out reverence. He saw, he understood, and he acted. I hope that we

"get it"!